Wednesday, October 03, 2007

My Name is Dan... And I'm a Google-holic

I thought I should get that out of the way before we start here. It's high time I admit it, 'Ctrl+K' is my friend. It's gotten to the point where when I list the google products/service I need more than 2 hands.

On my desktop I use:
  1. Google Browser Sync (through Firefox)
  2. Google Notebook (through Firefox)
  3. Google Talk (through Pidgin)
  4. Gmail (through Thunderbird)
  5. Google Calendar (through Tunderbird)
  6. Google Earth
And everywhere else I use:
  1. Blogger (obviously)
  2. Google Search (Well, who doesn't?)
  3. iGoogle
  4. Google Reader
  5. GOOG-411
  6. Google SMS
  7. Google Transit (when It launches in my city)
  8. Google News
  9. Google Maps
  10. Google Images
  11. Google Video
  12. Youtube
Whew! Lots of links! About the only (major) google ventures I don't use are Orkut, because I'm not a big fan of most Social-Networking services and Picasa, and that's because I've bought a subscription to Flickr, and I honestly think it's better. And when I heard the rumor about Google's new 'Virtual World' I was damn excited. Nobody does free better than google and that's why I've got to tack on another number to my list: Google Shared Stuff

Google Shared Stuff is an absolute god-send for people like me. I should explain that more, I'm also a book-mark-a-holic. At the time of this posting my bookmarks clock-in at 1.34mb. I have 23 sub-folder of unsorted junk that probably never will be sorted.

Shared stuff is pretty much a smart java-script that allows you with a few clicks to 'share' and tag a web page or article with a description, which then get sent to a small page
, which is publicly visible for what I like to call cataloging. Then can also be sent to some of the social-networking sites you frequent such as: Facebook, Furl,, Social Poster, Reddit, and Digg.

It seems to be a great service, if you bookmark alot, if not it'll just be another page that sits there and collects dust like google page creator something else I know of.

If you're a google-holic like me you might want to check out the weekly Google-holic posts from Download Squad, and the tag.

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