On my desktop I use:
- Google Browser Sync (through Firefox)
- Google Notebook (through Firefox)
- Google Talk (through Pidgin)
- Gmail (through Thunderbird)
- Google Calendar (through Tunderbird)
- Google Earth
- Blogger (obviously)
- Google Search (Well, who doesn't?)
- iGoogle
- Google Reader
- GOOG-411
- Google SMS
- Google Transit (when It launches in my city)
- Google News
- Google Maps
- Google Images
- Google Video
- Youtube
Google Shared Stuff is an absolute god-send for people like me. I should explain that more, I'm also a book-mark-a-holic. At the time of this posting my bookmarks clock-in at 1.34mb. I have 23 sub-folder of unsorted junk that probably never will be sorted.
Shared stuff is pretty much a smart java-script that allows you with a few clicks to 'share' and tag a web page or article with a description, which then get sent to a small page, which is publicly visible for what I like to call cataloging. Then can also be sent to some of the social-networking sites you frequent such as: Facebook, Furl, del.icio.us, Social Poster, Reddit, and Digg.
It seems to be a great service, if you bookmark alot, if not it'll just be another page that sits there and collects dust like
If you're a google-holic like me you might want to check out the weekly Google-holic posts from Download Squad, and the tag.
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