Monday, April 10, 2006

The Holy Five (Slightly Sappy)

If you know me at all, you know I constantly say .... let's say "spiteful" things about religion, sometimes I take it a little far. In fact, just yesterday I said "You know what we should do? We should pull some of the blood off The Spear Of Destiny and The Shroud Of Turin and make five Jesus clones and have the best basketball team of all time." And someone in the room made quite a face. Later they said I was "bad", and the thing that surprised me was that they said it with some conviction.

That got me wondering: "Why are people so scared when others believe differently?". Now honestly, I think most people who believe in god KNOWS that he/it can't be proven, so why, oh why, would you wave the "2000" year old pamphlet in my face and call it proof?

So I thought about it. And then I thought about it some more. And then I though about it a tiny bit more. For an hour I sat today thinking about it, call it "meditate" if you will. Nothing else, just "Why?". And here's what I came up with (quote me if you will): The concept of GOD or a higher power gives people a certain... light in their life, something to live for, something to live by, and in my personal opinion they would rather be wrong all together than give up that "light"

"Hmmm" I thought, that pretty interesting. "What gives me that feeling of ""light"", that feeling of singularity, the feeling that all living material vibrates at the same frequency. And the answer came to me almost before I had finished the question. (Here's where it's gets really sappy)

I feel that light every time a human being breathes, every time a child wraps it's hand around the finger of it's parent, every time two people hold each other and know that the bond they share is nearly the only thing they will ever need.

So, I choose life. While your religions want to destroy each other for being different I pead with you to celebrate your diversity and try you damndest to see things from more than one angle and for "___"'s sake rembember no one way of life is right nor is one going to be until the diety if your choice appears on CNN and say "Yo!".

And by the way, the Jesus team would kick the globe trotters ass!

Song of the day is : De La Soul - Stakes Is High (Dj Spinna Remix)

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